8 Things to Say to Your Stressed-Out Teen

8 Things to Say to Your Stressed-Out Teen Quote Image
  • The pressure to succeed in school and get into a good college
  • The deep need to fit in among their peer groups 
  • The self and peer-induced expectation of being a perfect Instagram person
  • The pressure that came from prior COVID lockdowns
  • More access to media and technology
  • Maintaining school, work, and extracurricular activities

1.“Everything is Going to Be Alright.”

2. “I’m Here for You.”

3. “I Love You.”

4. “Take a Deep Breath.”

5. “Just Focus on the Next Thing.”

Teens are often overwhelmed by the number of things they’re juggling. Sometimes, it helps to remind them to just focus on the next thing they need to accomplish. One thing at a time.

6. “I’m Already Proud of You.”

7. “What Can You Do to Change the Situation?”

8. “How About Some Ice Cream?”

Vitamin Deficiencies and Depression in Teens

*The following information is not intended to be medical advice but intended to be informational. Please seek advice from a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment options. He’d had his ups and downs as a teen, but this was different. Caden had been depressed, easily agitated, and distant for more than a year, and his parents were getting more and

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7 Ways to Raise Patriotic Teens

As parents, grandparents, coaches, friends and extended family, we can make a difference! We don’t have to rely on schools to instill faith, family values, or patriotism into our kids. Here are 7 ways to raise patriotic teens and help instill hope and a sense of belonging they so deeply desire.

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