18 Scriptures to Cultivate a Thankful Heart

As we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, gathering around tables filled with an abundance of food, family, and friends, we take the time to give thanks for the many blessings we have in our lives and this country. But rather than saying a quick prayer of thanks, you can cultivate a thankful heart this holiday season and establish a lifestyle of gratitude.

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How to Help Your Teen Stay Sexually Pure

Wondering how to guide your teen towards sexual purity? Learn how to debunk myths, have open conversations, create a positive home environment, monitor media, keep them busy, and share God’s design for sex. Help your teen make the right choices for their future.

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5 Reasons to Have Hope… No Matter What

Hope seems to be in short supply these days. Turn on the news, and it will sap it right from you. Sit on social media long enough, and you’ll feel that sinking feeling in no time. And what about our teens? Schools are teaching that America is racist, that if you’re a girl, you may want to be a boy,

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House of Hope Gym Renovation Update

We have some great news to share! During summer of 2022, after several major thunderstorms and a couple of hurricanes, House of Hope experienced significant damage to the gymnasium due to a plumbing pipe leak. The damage effected the drywall, workout area, and bathrooms, as well as flooring throughout the building. Praise God no one was injured, and insurance will

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