7 Ways to Raise Patriotic Teens

1. Talk About America Often

2. Visit Memorials

3. Take Patriotic Vacations

4. Celebrate Patriotic Holidays

  • Decorate your home inside and/or out with fun and patriotic flair
  • Find patriotic music to stream in your home 
  • Prepare or purchase patriotic-themed foods
  • Talk about the meaning of the holiday at the dinner table
  • Fly an American flag in your front yard

5. Get Involved Together

  • Attend (and speak up!) at school board meetings
  • Run for office
  • Support someone running for office
  • Serve veterans in the community
  • Get out the vote at your church

6. Promote Unity and Respect

7. Stay Anchored in Hope

Vitamin Deficiencies and Depression in Teens

*The following information is not intended to be medical advice but intended to be informational. Please seek advice from a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment options. He’d had his ups and downs as a teen, but this was different. Caden had been depressed, easily agitated, and distant for more than a year, and his parents were getting more and

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5 Patriotic Sites to Visit With Your Teen

Summer is here! Warm weather, pool parties, barbecues and more. Even better? Planning that much-needed summer vacation. You can impart a sense of belonging and patriotism in your teen all while having a blast on a family vacation!  We’re sharing 5 patriotic sites you can visit with your teen this summer, and we’ve included some travel tips from staff members

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