Dear Mom of Teens…. A Note of Encouragement

Mom, you are doing a great job.

  1. Those snuggles as babies were precious, but there is nothing quite like a long hug from your teen.
  2. Those times they come out of their room and flop on the bed wanting to talk (even if it is at 10pm!)
  3. When they ask for your advice out of the blue.
  4. When they say, “I love you,” for no reason at all.
  5. When your teen calls you to share some news.

7 Ways to Raise Patriotic Teens

As parents, grandparents, coaches, friends and extended family, we can make a difference! We don’t have to rely on schools to instill faith, family values, or patriotism into our kids. Here are 7 ways to raise patriotic teens and help instill hope and a sense of belonging they so deeply desire.

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5 Patriotic Sites to Visit With Your Teen

Summer is here! Warm weather, pool parties, barbecues and more. Even better? Planning that much-needed summer vacation. You can impart a sense of belonging and patriotism in your teen all while having a blast on a family vacation!  We’re sharing 5 patriotic sites you can visit with your teen this summer, and we’ve included some travel tips from staff members

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10 Ways to Honor Memorial Day

Don’t let this Memorial Day be only about having a day off of work and enjoying a cookout. Those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we can be free deserve our honor, respect and a special time of remembrance. Take some time to focus on the true meaning of the day with these 10 ways to honor Memorial Day. 1.

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