How to Build Psalm 91 Protection Around Your Home

How to Build Psalm 91 Protection Around Your Home

What lens do you use to view life?

The filter with which we choose to see our circumstances greatly determines how we live and the results we achieve. Most people view life through a lens of fear and uncertainty. This is especially true of teenagers. Their hormones and season of growing lend to insecurities and oftentimes irrational thoughts that can cause them to see life, and themselves, in a very negative light.

But what if there was a way to transform how they see life and themselves? What if they could lay hold of a truth that would catapult them into new levels of confidence and success?

Well, there is! It is found throughout the Bible but is beautifully condensed in one passage of Scripture—Psalm 91. That’s why at House of Hope we require each new student resident to memorize this transformational piece of God’s Word.

You can do the same! When you memorize Psalm 91 and put it into practice, you *will* see a difference in your teen’s life and in the lives of your entire family. To get you started, we’re sharing how to build Psalm 91 protection around your home.

1. Set the Atmosphere 

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” –Psalm 91:1

Most of us can feel the atmosphere in a room. Perhaps you’ve experienced what it’s like to walk into a room and instantly feel uncomfortable. You weren’t sure what it was, but it didn’t feel inviting.

Conversely, have you ever walked into a room and felt warm and comfortable? Like you were welcome and safe? 

An atmosphere is a very powerful thing. It determines the moods of the people in it and can impact relationships, as well. So one thing you can do right now—today—to build Psalm 91 protection around your home is to set the atmosphere of your home intentionally.

Here are some simple yet powerful ideas you can use right away:

  • Play the Bible, set to repeat, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can place a device in your main living area or wherever you like and have it play continually. The Word of God does not return void. It will change your atmosphere!
  • Turn on sound biblical teaching on the TV.
  • Turn on worship music as often as possible.
  • Speak the Word of God out loud over your life and your family as you go about your day.

2. Protect the Atmosphere 

“He is my refuge and my fortress….” –Psalm 91:2, NKJV

As important as it is to set the atmosphere in your home by feeding the Word of God into it, it is also equally critical to protect the atmosphere for your family.

How do you protect your home’s atmosphere? Keep the following from making house calls:

  • Media and music that promote fear, worry, infidelity, divorce, foul language, anger, or sexual immorality.
  • Poor attitudes from family members, including criticism, fighting, bad language, or continual negativity.

Not only will things protect the atmosphere in your home, but they will also keep your teen’s heart and mind free of so much of the fear, anger, anxiety, and negativity being fed through media outlets.

3. Address Family Issues Immediately

“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him…” Psalm 91:14, NKJV

Tension in a room can be felt even by those who have had not part in it. In a home, this often comes from family issues that have been allowed to continue. James 3:16 says, “For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there” (NKJV). 

Teens are known for wanting to avoid conversation when things get tough. But this only makes matters worse. 

Psalm 91 says that God delivers those who set their love on Him. When we allow strife, unforgiveness, rebellion, anger or pride into our homes, we come out from under that protection we’ve been promised.

That’s why it is so important to address family issues immediately rather than ignoring them and hoping they’ll just go away on their own. They won’t!

So, today, make a decision to stop any attitudes or situations that cause destruction to your family and home. When any wrong spirit, attitude, or atmosphere tries to take up residence in your home, deal with it immediately by creating a safe place for conversation, setting firm rules and boundaries for conduct in your home, and praying and speaking God’s Word over your family and household.

4. Use Anointing Oil

“A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.” –Psalm 91:7, NKJV

Faith always acts on what it believes. So as you believe in Psalm 91 protection, you can appropriate your faith by anointing your home with oil. This can be any type of oil, such as olive oil, but ultimately, when you use oil in this way, it represents Holy Spirit power and is a symbol of faith in God’s ability to make holy, cleanse, and in this case protect. When you anoint your home with oil, you are consecrating your home to Him.

To do this, anoint the frame of the front door (or every door) in your home. As you do so, invite the Holy Spirit to come into your home in every room and thank Him for His divine protection. 

“And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.” –Isaiah 10:27, NKJV

5. Remember You Have Angels 

“He will order His angels to protect you wherever you go.” –Psalm 91:11

Sometimes we walk around as if we’re all alone. We’re not!

He says He sends His angels with you wherever you go. So believe it!

A whole hired security team could never give you the kind of protection you have with angels because they operate under the authority of Jesus (see 1 Peter 3:22). So remember you have angels and go forth confidently in that knowledge.

6. Pray and Declare the Word of God

“His truth shall be your shield….” Psalm 91:4, NKJV

Hebrews 4:12 calls the Word of God a weapon—a two-edged sword. But a sword is meant to be picked up and used!

The same is true of His Word. We must pray and declare the Word of God to use it as He intended. 

How can you use His Word for protection? Start by memorizing Psalm 91 and praying it over your family and home. Place a copy of this Scripture in your home as a reminder of His promise of protection. Pray it when you drive anywhere, and speak it out loud as a declaration over your home. Say, “I declare that Psalm 91 is over my home and family.” 

When you put these six strategies to work in your life and home, you build a fortress of protection around your family that cannot be touched! You can take action in your home today. Trust in God and rest in the protection and blessing only He can provide!

3 thoughts on “How to Build Psalm 91 Protection Around Your Home

  1. Such a powerful passage of scripture! I will pray this over my sons inserting their names into it as I pray. Thank you for this great resource!

    1. Over my son’s and grandkids one by one and name by name Great grandson and my daughter and all my families members that are connected to me in Jesus Christ name Amen..pray for them couldn’t add all their names God knows them name Amen blessed 🙏🙏🙏🙏 Amen

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