5 New Year’s Resolutions for Parents of Teens

1. Listen More and Talk Less

2. Unplug More

3. Aim for Five Family Dinners Per Week

4. Tune in More

  • The music your teen listens to. Music significantly impacts a teen’s mood and behavior. It can instill anger, rebellion and sexual promiscuity. Do you know what music your teen is listening to? Make it a point to know in 2024.
  • The company your teen keeps. First Corinthians 15:33 says, “bad company corrupts good character.” You could have the sweetest teen in the world, but if they get into the wrong crowd, everything will turn. Do you know who your teen is hanging out with? Find out. In 2024, you can set the rules for who your teen is spending the most time with.
  • The places your teen goes. Where does your teen go after school? Where do they go on Friday night? Do they have a curfew? Make it your business to know. You can install finder apps on their phones so you can know where your teen is at all times. It is a safety issue and a moral issue—and it’s okay for you to monitor their whereabouts. Most of the troubling things that happen to teens occur when they’re away from home. So in 2024, make it your business!

5. Attend Church Every Sunday

  • More likely to graduate high school and attend college.
  • Less likely to be sexually active at a young age.
  • Less likely to use drugs.
  • Less likely to suffer from depression.
  • Experiencing higher levels of happiness, a sense of purpose, of volunteering, and forgiveness of others.

7 Ways to Raise Patriotic Teens

As parents, grandparents, coaches, friends and extended family, we can make a difference! We don’t have to rely on schools to instill faith, family values, or patriotism into our kids. Here are 7 ways to raise patriotic teens and help instill hope and a sense of belonging they so deeply desire.

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5 Patriotic Sites to Visit With Your Teen

Summer is here! Warm weather, pool parties, barbecues and more. Even better? Planning that much-needed summer vacation. You can impart a sense of belonging and patriotism in your teen all while having a blast on a family vacation!  We’re sharing 5 patriotic sites you can visit with your teen this summer, and we’ve included some travel tips from staff members

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10 Ways to Honor Memorial Day

Don’t let this Memorial Day be only about having a day off of work and enjoying a cookout. Those who paid the ultimate sacrifice so we can be free deserve our honor, respect and a special time of remembrance. Take some time to focus on the true meaning of the day with these 10 ways to honor Memorial Day. 1.

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Dear Mom of Teens…. A Note of Encouragement

Dear Mom of Teens, Much has happened since the day you first brought your little one home from the hospital. What once seemed so overwhelming—nighttime feedings, endless diaper changes, teething and all the unknown—may now seem like child’s play in the face of raising a teen. Once referred to as ‘Mommy’ in a high-pitched voice, you’re now ‘Mom’ and not

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Welcome to the Place Where Hope Grows 

Hope is in full bloom at House of Hope!   As part of our residential program, House of Hope has implemented a new life-skills training component into the spiritual and practical elements of our healing process. Research has found that the act of gardening can be a powerful tool in the healing process of those dealing with trauma. Along with providing

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10 Ways Hugs Can Transform Your Teen (and You!) for the Better

She had been angry and violent, and no one could figure out how to reach her. When she came to House of Hope as a hurting and troubled teen, Cheryl didn’t want to comply with any rules and continuously fought with her housemates, even becoming violent. The house staff, who are trained to handle challenging teens, had tried everything, but

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