There is hope for every teen.

Learn more about our program or receive a free download to get started.

Malachi 4:6

“He will turn the hearts of the children back to the fathers and the hearts of the fathers back to the children…” 

Providing Hope & Healing

Dealing with troubled teenagers can leave many families, schools, and churches feeling lost and hopeless. We provide parenting classes, training for youth leaders and counselors, and a network of Christ-centered residential programs for troubled teens, designed to bring healing and restoration to families across America.

Stories of Impact

I have a relationship with my mom that I never had before. I am able to talk to her without getting upset. Recently, I was able to have a good, long, serious talk with her; something I could never have done before.
House of Hope Resident
My family has reconciled, and I have chosen life. It has not been easy, but House of Hope York, gave me the strength, spiritual guidance and the tools to begin a healthy, loving life.
House of Hope Graduate

Help for Parents

Unglued & Tattooed.   How can you keep your teenager safe?  Raising a child is hard work; raising a teen can seem impossible.  In trying to be a teen’s confidant, parents walk a fine line between friend and protector.   In this book you will find invaluable advice to parents on how to inspire, motivate and discipline your teen, without losing your teen’s respect.  
Prayers, Promises and Advice for Moms is designed to encourage your faith to grow.  You can’t pray for faith – you can’t fast for faith – you already have faith.  No matter what your problem area may be, God already mad a promise, a provision for that need to be meet permanently.  He wants you to know the promise for that need.  Trust Him and He will provide.
Unglued & Tattooed.   How can you keep your teenager safe?  Raising a child is hard work; raising a teen can seem impossible.  In trying to be a teen’s confidant, parents walk a fine line between friend and protector.   In this book you will find invaluable advice to parents on how to inspire, motivate and discipline your teen, without losing your teen’s respect.  
Prayers, Promises and Advice for Moms is designed to encourage your faith to grow.  You can’t pray for faith – you can’t fast for faith – you already have faith.  No matter what your problem area may be, God already mad a promise, a provision for that need to be meet permanently.  He wants you to know the promise for that need.  Trust Him and He will provide.

How You Can Help

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