The Power of Purpose to Transform a Teen’s Life

Can a sense of purpose be the missing link in your teen’s life?

When it comes to the struggles teens face, much attention is given to drugs, hormones, diet, trauma and other factors that can impact a teen’s mood or struggles with various mental health issues. 

However, one overlooked and deeply impactful issue is a lack of purpose

Viktor Frankl said, “Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.”

Research has found this to be true.

A recent study of more than 200 teens found that those who feel a greater sense of purpose have more hope and optimism and are more satisfied with life than peers who feel less purposeful. A UCLA study found that teens with a greater sense of purpose are happier, healthier, and more motivated to achieve a wide range of positive developmental outcomes.

That’s powerful!

If you’ve ever been without purpose, you know the depth of the turmoil it can cause. Now imagine being in the cyclone of teen uncertainties and a lack of purpose can be downright devastating.

That’s why House of Hope is sharing about the power of purpose to transform a teen’s life and how you can help your teen find the purpose they so desperately need.

What is Purpose?

Purpose is the knowledge or idea of who we are and what we want to accomplish. It helps shape our motivations, identities, and goals. Purpose gives a person a clear direction and helps us to look forward with anticipation. It has an end goal in mind.

For teens, purpose provides direction, motivation, and a sense of belonging. It gives them a North Star in their day-to-day decisions and activities.

The Dangers of Living Without Purpose

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

This is a literal truth proven in studies like this one, which found that a sense of purpose is directly linked to health and mortality rates. People with a sense of purpose live longer, sleep better, and have decreased rates of disease and other health problems.

Experiencing a lack of purpose in life can lead to psychological, emotional, and physical symptoms. 

Here are some common effects:

  1. Depression and Anxiety
  2. Lack of Motivation
  3. Increased Stress
  4. Difficulty Making Decisions
  5. Feelings of Worthlessness
  6. Isolation
  7. Health Issues
  8. Substance Abuse
  9. Difficulty Setting and Achieving Goals

Many teens struggle with some or many of the above challenges. While a lack of purpose may not be the only contributing factor, it is likely one of them.  It is critical that parents, youth pastors, coaches and teachers help teens find their sense of purpose. This one factor can turn a teen around in a positive direction.

How to Help Teens Find Their Purpose

Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in life are the day you were born and the day you discover the reason why.”

You can unlock the power of purpose to transform a teen’s life with these practical tips for helping your teen find their purpose.

1. Ensure Your Teen’s Purpose Begins with Christ.

Teens need to know one thing—God has created each one of us for a purpose that includes fulfilling the great plans He has for us (Jeremiah 29:11). Finding true purpose begins with a solid relationship with Jesus Christ. Every decision will flow from that point of certainty. If your teen isn’t already, encourage them to spend time with the Lord daily, reading His Word and in prayer. This will open their hearts to hearing from Him and knowing their purpose.

2. Provide Resources for Their Journey.

Finding purpose isn’t something done in a day. It is a lifelong journey. A book like “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren will help your teen sort through some of the questions they have in private, without any pressure.

3. Offer a Spiritual Gifts Test.

Teens love to discover more about who they are and their giftings. A spiritual gifts test can help teens unpack the gifts they may have noticed but not known were gifts to be strengthened and used.

4. Create a Vision Board.

A vision board is a great way for teens to clarify their goals and aspirations. Learn more about how to help your teen create a vision board HERE.

5. Encourage church attendance and involvement.

Church attendance is linked to a sense of purpose in teens. A Harvard study found that teens who attend church services with their families are happier than those who do not. They were also more likely to participate in community service and avoid drug use. Teens can also find a strong sense of community with their peers in a good youth group at a local church while hearing the message of hope at the same time.

6. Serve in the community as a family.

Community service has been found to increase one’s sense of purpose, increase gratitude, and prevent depression. It also creates a sense of belonging to a community of people working toward a similar goal. 

7. Strengthen ties with positive family and friends.

    Teens with strong family ties have a stronger sense of purpose and belonging than those who don’t. Teens desperately need a sense of belonging. A lack of belonging commonly drives teens to join gangs or engage in other unhealthy behaviors. 

    You can create a sense of belonging for your teen by doing the following:

    • Eat dinner together as a family at least three times per week.
    • Guard your marriage with everything in you. Divorce is devastating to teens.
    • Keep your family together—it will be the best decision you ever make.
    • Do chores together. Yes! You read that right. 
    • Take family vacations.
    • Go on family outings to lunch, bowling, movies, etc.

    Beyond your immediate family, help your teen to feel a sense of belonging and purpose by fostering strong relationships with healthy, positive extended family members and friends.

    8. Provide opportunities to try new activities.

    Every time a teen tries something new, they find out a little bit more about themselves and who they are. What they like and don’t like can give them hints about their purpose. You can help them by providing opportunities to find out who they are. This includes a solid peer group and new experiences. Some ideas include:

    • Youth groups
    • Sports
    • Martial arts
    • Community service clubs
    • Drama classes or music lessons
    • Camps
    • Cooking classes
    • One-time outings to do new things like rock climbing, archery, cookie decorating, golf, or any other new activity. 

    For more about how to help your teen, see How to Give Your Teen the 13 Things They Need Most.

    9. Pray together about finding purpose.

    Even if they don’t show it, teens appreciate the powerful act of someone praying for them. Take time at the dinner table or privately to pray that God will reveal your teen’s purpose and give them a strong sense of a bright future.

    Now that you’ve discovered the importance of purpose and how you can help your teen discover their own, remember to remind them that finding purpose is a lifelong journey and that God will reveal a bit at a time as He unfolds the exciting things He has in store for them. 

    Your teen needs to know that they are created for something special, and with God’s help, they can fulfill every part of it!

    Vitamin Deficiencies and Depression in Teens

    *The following information is not intended to be medical advice but intended to be informational. Please seek advice from a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment options. He’d had his ups and downs as a teen, but this was different. Caden had been depressed, easily agitated, and distant for more than a year, and his parents were getting more and

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