After serving more than 3,000 troubled teens and their families. That’s why House of Hope has put together this eBook: 7 Signs Your Teen Needs Help
And today, you can get this important guide sent straight to your inbox for FREE.
Inside you’ll learn:
We are excited to announce our NEW Guide for Parents—7 Signs Your Teen Needs Help. This resource is designed to provide sound, well-researched guidance for those who have concerns about their teenager with one click of a button.
After 35 years of welcoming troubled teens to House of Hope, we’ve heard the same response from parents year after year—“I didn’t see the signs.”
That’s why, with the help of accredited counselors, we’ve put together this FREE download for parents of teens, youth leaders, teachers, and anyone else needs help discerning whether a teen is experiencing normal teenage behavior or something more serious that warrants help.
We want to get this guide into the hands of as many people who need it as possible. Will you take a moment and forward this email to every parent, teacher, youth leader and coach you know?
And be sure to share on your social media platforms, as well!
At House of Hope, we are here to provide hope and healing to families across the nation. This is just one more way we can be a support to those who impact the lives of troubled teens.